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Predicting the Future of ChatGPT

By Michael Griebe

ChatGPT has become one of the top marketing buzzwords in 2023. This new conversational AI technology is revolutionizing the way we work and communicate.

ChatGPT has become one of the top marketing buzzwords in 2023. This new conversational AI technology is revolutionizing the way we work and communicate. It bears the ability to automate routine tasks, provide real-time data, improve data accuracy, and synthesize loads of information in a short and concise way. As it continues to evolve, businesses are eager to find new ways to maximize its capabilities.

However, for many marketing and comms professionals, fear precludes its functions. Many see it as a potential threat to existing marketing and PR strategies and may render some jobs obsolete. Others fear it may try to replace human functionality altogether, along with the empathy, connection, and personalization that come with interacting with a real person.

It’s all very new, and the only way to predict the future of ChatGPT is to dissect what we already know.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model. Designed by OpenAI, it’s intended to perform natural language processing tasks. ChatGPT has been trained to generate contextually relevant and grammatically correct responses, making it ideal for chatbot applications.

phone with text

Here’s how ChatGPT defines itself:

“ChatGPT is a large language model created by OpenAI based on the GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) architecture. It has been trained on a massive corpus of text data, allowing it to understand and generate human-like language. ChatGPT is designed to be used as a conversational agent, which means it can engage in natural language conversations with humans on a wide range of topics. Its abilities include answering questions, generating text, completing sentences, translating languages, and much more.”

One of the key features of ChatGPT is its ability to understand and respond to natural language queries. This allows users to interact with chatbots in a way that feels more like talking to a person than a machine.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChapGPT has experienced its share of misconceptions. For starters, it’s not a perfect science. ChatGPT can accurately write text-based responses, but these responses still require fact-checking. Responses can be limited by bias as well as variances and errors in the data on which it was trained. It may also generate incorrect or inappropriate responses if it encounters a situation or topic that it has not been trained on.

Another misconception is that ChatGPT can replace human communication and decision-making entirely. While it can be a useful tool in many contexts, users must recognize that it is a machine and not a substitute for human interaction or critical thinking. It cannot offer empathy or other nuances that make person-to-person interaction so compelling and relatable.

It also cannot carry on complex conversations like a human would. Rather, chatbots running on ChatGPT might need to hand off the conversation to a human to complete a request.

Most importantly, it’s not a complete substitute for human writers, marketers, or comms professionals. The reasons for this are many:

  • Creativity and originality:

    ChatGPT relies on patterns and associations in its training data to generate text. While it can produce grammatically correct and coherent text, it lacks the creativity and originality that makes content unique and engaging.

  • Understanding context and nuance:

    ChatGPT’s responses are based on statistical patterns and associations, which means it may not always grasp the full context of a topic. Human writers and marketers can use their knowledge and experience to tailor their content to specific audiences and situations.

  • Emotional intelligence:

    ChatGPT lacks the emotional intelligence and empathy that human writers and marketers bring to their work. This emotional intelligence is critical for creating content that connects with audiences on a deep level and can drive action or change.

  • Strategic thinking and decision-making:

    While ChatGPT can generate text based on patterns, it lacks the strategic thinking and decision-making skills of human writers and marketers. Strategic thinking is responsible for driving business results.

Overall, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can assist with content creation and marketing efforts. But it does not replace human creativity, contextual understanding, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking.

Why Marketers and Comms Teams Should Care About ChatGPT

Every threat can also be seen as an opportunity. With marketing and comms teams fearing the unknown about ChatGPT, they should also embrace this opportunity to enhance their own outputs.

Some ways to do this include:


  • Cost-effective content creation:

    ChatGPT can generate text-based content much faster than humans, and it can do so without requiring the same level of resources or time. This can make content creation more cost-effective and efficient, allowing marketing and comms teams to create more content in less time.

  • Personalization:

    ChatGPT can be trained on relevant data to create personalized content that resonates with specific audiences. This can be useful for tailoring messaging and content to specific demographics, interests, or behaviors.

  • Improved customer engagement:

    ChatGPT can create engaging and interactive experiences for customers. For example: chatbots and virtual assistants. These experiences can improve customer engagement and satisfaction, leading to increased brand loyalty and sales.

  • Increased efficiency:

    ChatGPT automates repetitive tasks, such as responding to customer inquiries or creating social media copy. This can free up marketing and comms teams to focus on more strategic tasks that require human expertise and decision-making.

  • Multilingual support:

    ChatGPT can be trained in multiple languages, allowing marketing and comms teams to create content in multiple languages without requiring translators.

Best Current Use Cases for ChatGPT

With its unique features and functionalities, ChatGPT offers several opportunities for businesses to enhance their customer engagement strategies. Let’s look at a few through the lens of marketing and comms:

Implement Customer Service Chatbots

Among the top ways companies can leverage ChatGPT is by adding chatbots to websites, landing pages, and customer service portals. Engage customers the moment they’re ready. Nurture leads and send them in the right direction. Your sales or marketing team will be better prepared when speaking with warm leads. Or, if customers need to resolve an issue, a chatbot might be able to handle the entire customer-facing process (e.g., initiating a refund or providing online resources).

Conduct Research

Google has historically been the place for jumpstarting research. But with the overwhelming amount of information online, ChatGPT takes it a step further by synthesizing available information into a neat and tidy package. This can help you get closer to your research goals to take an informed next step.

Help with Content Ideation

Feeling stuck? ChatGPT can come up with new ideas for your content marketing. You can ask it for multiple headlines or ideas based on a single topic, then choose from a list of viable options. It might be enough to inspire your next big idea that you’ll hand off to your human content creators.

Offer Personalized Recommendations

ChatGPT can create personalized recommendations for customers based on their interests and behaviors. This can help businesses provide more relevant and valuable recommendations to customers, which can drive sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Support New Hire Training

ChatGPT is a great way to fill in the knowledge gaps when bringing on new marketing and comms team members. As your new hires go through their training, they can turn to your ChatGPT- based training platform to ask quick questions and keep learning and growing. Once established, this type of platform can be an indispensable tool for marketers to self-service their questions as they navigate your brand, style, tone, and best practices.

Identify Synonyms to Enrich Keyword Strategies

Want to spice up your blog headlines so people can find you online? ChatGPT could be a powerful SEO tool simply by offering synonyms for your primary keywords. This is a great way to differentiate your writing while ranking for relevant search terms. Ask the platform for synonyms or similar words to your keyword so you can include all relevant terms in your content.

Ask for Copy Improvements

Turn over your human-written content (complete with empathy, critical thinking, and emotion) to ChatGPT and ask it to improve the copy. This is a helpful way to spot inconsistencies, grammatical errors, or other areas of opportunity without losing the nuances that make it human.

Exploring the Broader Role of AI for Communicators

ChatGPT is just one example of AI in marketing and communications. It will play a heavy role in predictive marketing, but other technologies (including other language models like BERT) will also shape the future of marketing and comms.

The best approach is to embrace the learning curve and recognize potential alongside the downsides and drawbacks. Also, remember you don’t have to build your own wheel. Working with established predictive marketing experts like Hahn Agency gives you turnkey access to the technology that moves you forward.

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