Brands don’t handle crisis situations every day. At the same time, unexpected situations, malicious events and head-scratching screw ups happen all the time. Brands that serve the public via the energy, utility, healthcare and food & nutrition sectors are especially vulnerable to reputation-damaging issues ranging from hazardous material spills and rate case uproars to lawsuits, recalls, and even crusading lawyers and reporters.
Throw out the 100-page, dust-covered three-ring crisis binder that hasn’t been reviewed in years. In Breaking Bad News: 12 Essential Crisis Communication Tools, crisis veteran Jeff Hahn shows how brands faced with a crisis can rapidly put 12 proven tools to work when the spaghetti hits the fan.
The book’s centerpiece is Hahn’s Reputation Dissonance model, developed after more than seven years of research, design and testing in scores of crisis situations. The model makes a big promise: If brands can effectively perform five actions, in sequence, using known options, they can successfully navigate virtually any bad news break.
Hahn’s approach transforms the dark art of crisis communication into a logic-based system that can be learned and used in virtually every type of difficult situation.
In the food industry, Jeff Hahn writes, it's not a matter of if you will have a crisis, but when. Breaking Bad News presents useful models for crisis management as well as twelve tools you can use to respond to any crisis -- within two hours! This book is meant for food industry leaders, but would be helpful reading for anyone who is in any way responsible for responding to brand emergencies.

Invite Jeff to Speak
Jeff regularly speaks about crisis communication, typically through keynote addresses and occasionally specialized workshops.
Speaking fees depend on audience, length of presentation, audio/video rights and travel complexity. The speaking fee is waived in exceptional circumstances. Normally, speaking fees are due five days prior to the event and are non-refundable.